Christian Salzmann
Vice President Software Strategy, -Platforms and -Tooling, BMW Group
Chris is Vice President for Global Software Strategy, -Factory and -Platforms at BMW Group. With over 20 years of experience in the Software and in the Automotive Industry he has covered a broad variety of digital topics, e.g., the development of Software Platforms for ADAS and autonomous driving, Software for Automotive Core Functions and Software infrastructure and digital Services. With this experience and being a software engineer by education Chris is driving BMW’s global Software Strategy and has implemented several innovations, e.g., setting up BMWs Software Factory, making Software development at BMW more standardized, fast and efficient. Before his current role Chris was based for 5 years in China as Senior Vice President for Connected Company, and Electronics of BMW China responsible for the BMW digital offers in China and managed to build a successful joint venture BA TechWorks between BMW and ArcherMind in Nanjing.